Smallsat of the «MSU-STANDARD» company for the ionosphere studies
Spacecraft of the Podolsk school № 29 with a telescope on board
SC name | UmKA-1 |
NORAD ID | 57172 |
Number in the Register | 3672-2023-009 |
Call sign | RS40S |
Frequencies | 437,625 MHz, 435,825 MHz |
Format | 3U |
Weight | 4 kg |
Payload | high-power telescope «Leptonar-20955K» and astronomical digital camera PlayerOne Saturn-C SQR |
Mission | Photoshooting deep space objects |
Platform | SPUTNIX LLC |
Launch date | 27.06.23, the Vostochny cosmodrome |
Launch vehicle | LV «Soyuz-2.1b» with US «Fregat» |
Status | Active |
The UmKA-1 satellite was created by the team of the Center for Scientific Creativity, Podolsk School № 29, as part of the School Space Telescope project. SC was disegned on the basis of the OrbiCraft-Pro platform of the Sputnix company.
The elements of the payload are the high-power telescope "Leptonar-20955K" and the astronomical digital camera PlayerOne Saturn-C SQR. Before placing them in the satellite body, the project participants took pictures of the constellation Cygnus, as well as the Andromeda nebula.
Beacon telemetry (R4UAB database).
QSL card for receiving signals from the UmKA-1 spacecraft.