
The CubeSat of Kemerovo scholars, students and scientists of KuzSTU. The satellite conducts remote sensing and transmits radio messages


SC nameKuzbass-300
Number in the Register3608-2022-012
Call signRS34S
Frequencies437,700 MHz
Weight3,027 kg
PayloadCamera, radio beacon
MissionRemote sensing, an amateur radio satellite
Launch date09.08.22, Baikonur cosmodrome
Launch vehicleLV «Soyuz-2.1b» with US «Fregat»
StatusDeorbit on May 18, 2024

Kuzbass-300 spacecraft is the first satellite launched into space in the history of the Kemerovo region. The CubeSat creation is devoted to the 300th anniversary of one of the largest and most developed regions of Russia - the Kemerovo region–Kuzbass. It was developed jointly by Kemerovo scholars, students and scientists of the Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU) on the OrbiCraft-Pro SXC3 satellite platform of SPUTNIX. 


A camera with a spatial resolution of 15-50 m (from a height of 600 km) and an image resolution of 1280x760 pixels conducts remote sensing of the Earth. The device itself, in addition to data from the camera, transmits voice messages and postcards to the Earth for the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass. 

QSL card for receiving telemetry from the Russian satellite «KUZBASS-300 (RS34S)».

Satellite tracking by stations of the international amateur radio network SatNOGS.

Beacon telemetry (R4UAB database).
