CubeSX-HSE and CubeSX-Sirius-HSE

Identical spacecraft developed by the HSE MIEM

НИУ ВШЭ Сириус и контейнер.jpg

SC nameCubeSX-Sirius-HSECubeSX-HSE
NORAD ID4795147952
Number in the Register3565-2021-0043564-2021-004
Call signRS14SRS13S
Format3,5 kg3,5 kg
WeightFresnel's lens, ДеКоР(rus)
PayloadEnvironmental monitoring
Platform22.03.21, Baikonur cosmodrome
Launch dateLV «Soyuz-2.1b» with US «Fregat»
Launch vehicleActive Active 

The CubeSX-HSE small spacecraft was created by students of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and students of the Sirius Educational Center joined the creation of the CubeSX-Sirius-HSE satellite. The satellites are designed to monitor the ecological state of the Earth. As a payload on the device there is a camera with Fresnel’s lenses. The satellite is built on the Cubesat 3U platform of Sputnix.

Beacon telemetry (R4UAB database): CubeSX-Sirius-HSE and CubeSX-HSE.
